Arctic Research Station
Understanding and predicting environmental changes across the Western Canadian Arctic
Ming-Ko Woo
Dr. Ming-ko (Hok) Woo has worked in the Arctic for 50 years and is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Earth, Environment and Society at McMaster University in Canada. His primary research interests are in snow and ice, permafrost hydrology, statistical hydrology, and modeling. Dr. Woo served as the lead on the Mackenzie GEWEX (Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment) Study that investigates the cold climate processes, including the modeling of large-scale atmospheric-hydrologic phenomena in the cold region. Dr. Woo is a fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society and of the Arctic Institute of North America. He was on the editorial board of several journals including Nordic Hydrology, Physical Geography, Canadian Geographer, and Geographie physique et Quaternaire. In addition, Dr. Woo has published nearly 200 articles in refereed journals and over 100 other papers and reports in hydrology, earth sciences, geography, and other fields.
Awards and Honours
2016 Doctor of Environmental Studies honoris causa, University of Waterloo
2008 Canadian Geophysical Union: J. Tuzo Wilson Medal
since 2008 Canadian Geophysical Union: M.K. Woo Hydrology Lecture Series
since 2008 McMaster University, School of Geography and Earth Sciences, Woo Water Lectures
1996 President's Service Award, Society of Wetland Scientists
1993 Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society
1993 Fellow of the Arctic Institute of North America
1992 Canadian Association of Geographers: Award for Scholarly Distinction in Geography
Books and non- refereed papers
o Permafrost Hydrology. Ed. 9783642234620. 2012
o Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies. The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience 2008
1. Woo, M.K. 1972. A predictive model for snow storage in the temperate forest zone of the coastal mountains. In: Slaymaker, H.O. and McPherson, H.J. (Eds.) Mountain Geomorphology Tantalus Research Ltd., Vancouver, 207-214.
2. Woo, M.K. 1972. Comparative effectiveness of three stochastic models of precipitation. Occasional Papers in Geography, Can. Assoc. Geographers, Western Div., 15-33.
3. Woo, M.K. 1973. Spatial and temporal variations in monthly temperature in Southwestern British Columbia. Occasional papers in Geography, Can. Assoc. Geographers, Western Div., 89-101.
4. Howarth, P.J. and Woo, M.K. 1975. The influence of scale in remote sensing of snow cover. Proceedings 32nd Eastern Snow Conference, Manchester, New Hampshire, 90-107.
5. Woo, M.K. 1976. Hydrology of a small basin in the Canadian High Arctic. Proceedings 23rd International Geographical Congress, Moscow, USSR 2, 204-207.
6. Woo, M.K. and Marsh, P. 1977. Determination of snow storage for small High arctic basins. Proceedings 34th Eastern Snow Conference, Belleville, Ontario, 147-162.
7. Woo, M.K. and Marsh, P. 1977. Error analysis in the determination of snow storage for a small High Arctic basin. Proceedings 2nd Conference on Hydrometeorology, Toronto, 239-244.
8. Heron, R. and Woo, M.K. 1978. Snowmelt computation for a High Arctic site. Proceedings 35th Eastern Snow Conference, Hanover, New Hampshire, 162-172.
9. Marsh, P. and Woo, M.K. 1979. Annual water balance of small High Arctic basins. Proceedings Canadian Hydrology Symposium: 79, Cold Climate Hydrology, Vancouver, 536-546.
10. Woo, M.K. and Heron, R. 1979. Modelling basin snow storage in a High Arctic environment. Proceedings Canadian Hydrology Symposium: 79, Cold Climate Hydrology, Vancouver, 206-216.
11. Woo, M.K. 1979. Snow jams in streams in the Canadian Arctic. Proceedings 36th Eastern Snow Conference, Alexandria Bay, New York, 95-107.
12. Woo, M.K., Heron, R. and Marsh, P. 1981. Basal ice layers of very cold Arctic snowpacks. Proceedings 38th Eastern Snow Conference, Syracuse, New York, 67-75.
13. Woo, M.K. and Valverde, J. 1982. Ground and water temperatures of a forested mid-latitude swamp. Hydrological Processes of Forest Areas, Proceedings of the Canadian Hydrology Symposium '82, Fredericton, 301-312.
14. Woo, M.K. 1982. Snow hydrology of the High Arctic. Proceedings 50th Western Snow Conference, Reno, Nevada, 63-74.
15. Woo, M.K. and Dubreuil, M-A. 1983. Effects of an arctic settlement on the snowpack. Proceedings 40th Eastern Snow Conference, Toronto, 143-156.
16. Woo, M.K. 1983. Determination of snow distribution in High Arctic basins. In: Effect of distribution of snow and ice on streamflow. Norwegian National Committee for hydrology, Report No. 12 (Proceedings, Fourth Northern Research basin Symposium Workshop, Ullensvang, Norway) 21-31.
17. Woo, M.K. 1983. Effects of valley snowpacks upon the break-up of streams in the High Arctic. In: Effect of distribution of snow and ice on streamflow. Norwegian National Committee for Hydrology, Report No. 12 (Proceedings, Fourth Northern Research Basin Symposium Workshop, Ullensvang. Norway) 103-116.
18. Woo, M.K. 1984. Simulating the effects of dust on Arctic snowmelt. In: The role of snow and ice in northern basin hydrology. (Proceeding, Fifth Northern Research Basin Symposium Workshop, Vierumaki, Finland) 5.97-5.116.
19. Woo, M.K. 1984. Water balance studies in the Canadian Arctic archipelago. In Barr, B.M. (Ed.) Studies in Canadian Regional Geography, Tantalus Research Ltd., Vancouver, 38-51.
20. Woo, M.K. and Steer, P. 1985. Simulation of snow depth in a forest. Proceedings 42nd Eastern Snow Conference, Montreal, 44-54.
21. Woo, M.K. and Heron, R. 1986. Problems of discharge measurement for small northern streams during breakup: two case studies. Proceedings, Sixth Northern Research basin Symposium Workshop, Houghton, Michigan, 289-303.
22. Woo, M.K. 1987. Hydrology of Beverly Swamp. In Dear, M.J., J.J. Drake and L.G. Reeds (Eds.) Steel City - Hamilton and Region, University of Toronto Press, 85-94.
23. Marsh, P. and Woo, M.K. 1987. Soil heat flux, wetting front advance and ice layer growth in cold, dry snow covers. National Research Council of Canada Technical Memoir 140, 497-524.
24. Woo, M.K. and Waylen, P.R. 1987. Probability studies of floods. In Nelson, J.G. and Knight, K.D. (Eds.) Research, Resources and the Environment in the Third World Development. University of Waterloo, Department of Geography Publication 27, 123-133.
25. Price, J.S., Woo, M.K. and diCenzo, P.D. 1988. Spatial and temporal variability in stream salinity in subarctic coastal marshes. In Rubec, C.D.A. and Overend, R.P. (Eds.) Proceedings Wetlands '87 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, 147-153.
26. Price, J.S. and Woo, M.K. 1988. Wetlands as waste repositories? Solute transport in peat. In Adams, W.P. and Johnson, P.G. (Eds.) Proceedings National Student Conference on Northern Studies, Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies, Ottawa, 392-395.
27. Woo, M.K. and Waylen, P.R. 1988. Effects of flow diversion on the runoff regimes of northern Ontario rivers. In: Nicholaichuk, W. and Quinn, F. (Eds.) Proceedings, Symposium on Intrabasin Transfer of Water, Saskatoon 261-278.
28. Woo, M.K. and Waylen, P.R. 1988. Effects of intrabasins transfer on streamflow regimes, northwestern Ontario, Canada. Proceedings, Seventh Northern Research Basin Symposium Workshop, Ilulissat, Greenland, 331-341.
29. Woo, M.K. and Drake, J.J. 1988. A study to model the effects of uranium tailings on a permafrost environment. Environmental Studies 53, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, 41 p.
30. Woo, M.K. 1988. Problems of studying water balance in small high arctic basins. Proceedings Canadian Hydrology Symposium: 88, Banff, 245-254.
31. Woo, M.K. and diCenzo, P. 1988. Difficulties of using basin approach to study the hydrology of wetlands. Proceedings Canadian Hydrology Symposium: 88, Banff, 365-373.
32. Heron, R., Woo, M.K. and Wu, K. 1988. Stream-related interaction in the coastal zone of the James Bay lowland. In: Bardecki, M.J. and Patterson, N. (Eds.) Wetlands: Inertia or Momentum, Federation of Ontario Naturalists, Toronto, 323-327.
33. Woo, M.K. and Heron, R. 1989. Freeze-up and break-up of ice cover on small Arctic lakes. In MacKay, W.C. (Ed.) Northern Lakes and Rivers. Boreal Institute for Northern Studies Occasional Publication 22, 56-62 pp.
34. Woo, M.K. 1990. Permafrost hydrology. In: Prowse, T.D. and Ommanney, E.S.L. (Eds.) Northern Hydrology: Canadian Perspective. National Hydrology Research Institute, Science Report No 1, 63-76.
35. Woo, M.K. Young, K.L. and Edlund, S.A. 1990. 1989 observations of soil, vegetation, and microclimate, and effects on slope hydrology, Hot Weather Creek basin, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories. Current Research, Part D, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 90-1D, 85-93.
36. Woo, M.K. and Lonergan, S.L. 1990. Stochastic simulation of climate change impacts on ice road operations, Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories., Proceedings, International Symposium Workshop on Climate Change: Implications for water and Ecological Resources. University of Waterloo, Department of Geography Occasional Paper No. 11, 259-264.
37. Church, M. and Woo, M.K. 1990. Geography of surface runoff: some lessons for research. In: Anderson, M.G. and Burt, T.P. (Eds.) Process Studies in Hillslope Hydrology, John Wiley, Chichester, 299-325.
38. Woo, M.K., Edlund, S.A. and Young, K.L. 1991. Occurrence of early snow-free zones on Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories. Current Research, Part B, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 91-1B, 9-14.
39. Woo, M.K., Rowsell, R.D. and Clark, R.G. 1991. Climate impacts on the hydrology of prairie wetlands, Proceedings, Symposium on the Impacts of Climatic Change and Variability on the Great Plains. University of Waterloo, Department of Geography Occasional Paper No.12, 259-266.
40. Kane, D.L., Hinzman, L.D., Woo, M.K., and Everett, K.R. 1992. Arctic hydrology and climate change. In: Chapin, F.S. III, Jefferies, R.L., Reynolds, J.F., Shaver, G.R., Svoboda, J. and Chu, E.W. (eds.) Arctic Ecosystems in a Changing Climate: An Ecophysiological Perspective. Academic Press, San Diego, 35-57.
41. Edlund, S.A. and Woo, M.K. 1992. Eolian deposition on western Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, during the winter of 1990-91. Current Research, Part B, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 92-1B, 91-96.
42. Woo, M.K., Rouse, W.R., Lewkowicz, A.G. and Young, K.L. 1992. Adaptation to Permafrost in the Canadian North: Present and Future. Canadian Climate Centre Report No 92-3, Atmospheric Environment Service, Downsview, Ontario, 61 p.
43. Woo, M.K. and Gregor, D.J. (eds.) 1992. Arctic Environment: Past, Present and Future, Department of Geography, McMaster University, 164 p.
44. Woo, M.K., Rowsell, R.D. and Edlund, S.A. 1992. Effects of manipulation of climatic factors on arctic snowmelt. Proceedings 9th International Northern Research Basins Symposium/Workshop, NHRI Symposium No. 10, 627-641.
45. Woo, M.K. and Rowsell, R.D. 1993. Climate and the Hydrology of a Prairie Slough. Canadian Climate Centre Report No. 93-1. Atmospheric Environment Service, Downsview, 48 p.
46. Woo, M.K., Rowsell, R.D. and Clark, R.G. 1993. Hydrological classification of Canadian prairie wetlands and prediction of wetland inundation in response to climatic variability. Canadian Wildlife Service occasional paper No. 79, Ministry of Supply & Services, 24 p.
47. Woo, M.K. 1993. Northern Hydrology. In: French, H.M. and Slaymaker, O. (eds.) Canada's Cold Environments. McGill-Queen's University Press, 117-142.
48. Woo, M.K., Walker, A., Yang, D. and Goodison, B. 1995. Pixel-scale ground snow survey for passive microwave study of the arctic snow cover. Proceedings 52nd Eastern Snow Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 51-57.
49. Jones, J.A.A., Liu, C.M., Woo, M.K. and Kung, H.T. (eds.) 1996. Regional Hydrological Response to Climate Change. Kluwer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 430 pp.
50. Liu, C.M. and Woo, M.K. 1996. A method to assess the effects of climatic warming on the water balance of mountainous regions. In: Jones, J.A.A., Liu, C.M., Woo, M.K. and Kung, H.T. (eds.) Regional Hydrological Response to Climate Change, Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 301-315.
51. Woo, M.K. 1996. Hydrology of northern North America under global warming. In: Jones, J.A.A., Liu, C.M., Woo, M.K. and Kung, H.T. (eds.) Regional Hydrological Response to Climate Change, Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 73-86.
52. Yang, D., Woo, M.K. and Xia, Z.J. 1996. Snowmelt at the High Arctic sites, Resolute, NWT, Canada. Proceedings 64th Western Snow Conference, Bend, Oregon, 59-68.
53. Woo, M.K. and Ohmura, A. 1997. The Arctic Islands. In: Bailey, W.G., Oke, T. and Rouse, W.R. (eds.) The Surface Climates of Canada, McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal and Kingston, 172-197.
54. Woo, M.K. 1997. A guide for ground based measurement of the arctic snow cover. Canadian Snow Data CD, Meteorological Service of Canada, Downview, Ontario, 30 pp.
55. Woo, M.K. and Carey, S.K. 1999. Permafrost, seasonal frost and slope hydrology, central Wolf Creek basin, Yukon. In: Pomeroy, J.W. and Granger, R.J. (eds.) Wolf Creek Research Basin: Hydrology, Ecology, Environment. NWRI, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, SK, 45-53.
56. Woo, M.K. 2000. Permafrost and hydrology. In: Nuttall, M. and Callaghan, T.V. (Eds.), The Arctic: Environment, People, Policy. Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 57-96.
57. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2001. Annual floods in western Canada and their relation with the El Nino-Southern Oscaillation. Proceedings, 13th Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Saariselkä and Murmansk, Finnish Environment Institute, 201-207.
58. Young, K.L. and Woo, M.K. 2001. Thermo-hydrological responses to an exceptionally warm dry summer in a High Arctic environment. Proceedings, 13th Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Saariselkä and Murmansk, Finnish Environment Institute 271-288.
59. Woo, M.K. 2002. Wetlands: a hydrological perspective. In: Orme, A.R. (Ed.) The Physical Geography of North America. Oxford University Press, New York, 146-177.
60. Thorne, R. and Woo, M.K. 2003. Using climate station and gridded data for modelling daily streamflow of a large mountainous catchment. Proceedings, 14th Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, 191-198.
61. Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 2003. Modelling arctic snow distribution and melt at the 1-km grid scale. Proceedings, 14th Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, 199-207.
62. Woo, M.K. 2003. Extreme flow events in the Arctic Islands of North America. Water Resources IMPACT 5(3), 21-26.
63. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2005. Effects of temperature and precipitation trends on the flow of a large mountainous catchment during the snowmelt season. Proceedings, 15th Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Lulea to Kvikkjokk, Sweden, 223-238.
64. Mielko, C.A. and Woo, M.K. 2005. Snowmelt runoff processes in a headwater lake catchment, subarctic Canadian shield. Proceedings 62nd Eastern Snow Conference, Waterloo, ON, 253-265.
65. Hinzman, L.D., Kane, D.L. and Woo, M.K. 2005. Permafrost hydrology. Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, Part 14. Snow and Glacier Hydrology. Wiley, DOI: 10.1002/0470848944.hsa178.
66. Robinson, P.J., Jones, J.A.A. and Woo, M.K. 2007. Managing Water Resources in a Changing Physical and Social Environment. IGU Home of Geography 7, Villa Celimontana, Italy, 177 pp.
67. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2007. Analysis of streamflow response to variability of climate in northwestern North America. Proceedings, 16th Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Petrozavodsk, Russia, 149-154.
68. Woo, M.K. (ed.) 2008. Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies, the Mackenzie GEWEX Experience, Vol. 1: Atmospheric Dynamics. Springer, Berlin, 470 pp.
69. Woo, M.K. (ed.) 2008. Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies, the Mackenzie GEWEX Experience, Vol. 2: Hydrologic Processes. Springer, Berlin, 507 pp.
70. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2009. Effects of reservoirs on streamflow in the boreal region. In: Jones, J.A.A., Vardanian, T.G. and Hakopian, C. (eds.) Threats to Global Water Security. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Springer, Dordrecht, 339-348.
71. Thorne, R and Woo, M.K. 2009. Climatic forcing on streamflow in northwestern North America. Proceedings, 17th Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Iqaluit-Pangnirtung-Kuujjuaq, Canada, 317-326.
72. Woo, M.K. 2011. Linking runoff to groundwater in permafrost terrain. In: Jones, J.A.A. (ed.) Sustaining Groundwater Resources. Springer, Dordrecht, 19-129.
73. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2011. Comparison of streamflow simulations for a boreal mountainous basin using adjusted and multiple station data. Proceedings, 18th Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Bergen-Geiranger-Fjaerland-Voss, Norway, 53-62.
74. Woo, M.K. and Pomeroy, J.W. 2012. Snow and runoff: processes, sensitivity and vulnerability. In: French, H. and Slaymaker, O. (eds.) Changing Cold Environments, a Canadian Perspective. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 105-125.
75. Woo, M.K. 2012. Permafrost Hydrology. Springer, Heidelberg, 563 pp.
76. Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 2013. In: Bengtsson, L. Herchy, R.W. and Fairbridge, R.W. (eds.) Canadian arctic wetlands. Encyclopedia of Lakes and Reservoirs. Springer, Dordrecht, 902-014.
77. Michel, F.A., van Everdingen, R.O., Woo, M.K. and Dyke, L. 2014. Permafrost groundwater region. In: Rivera, A. (ed.) Canada’s Groundwater Resources. Fitzhenry and Whiteside, Brighton, Massachusetts, 596-636.
78. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2015. Summer and winter flows of a large northern river: the Mackenzie of Canada. Proceedings, 20th Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Kuusamo, Finland,105-113.
79. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2015. Summer and winter flows of the Mackenzie River system. Proceedings, GEOQuebec 2015: 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, Quebec City, Quebec.
o Permafrost and Hydrology. 57-96. 2019
o Snow and Runoff: Processes, Sensitivity and Vulnerability. 105-125. 2012
o Wetlands of the Canadian Arctic. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. 902-914. 2012
o Wetlands of the Canadian Arctic. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. 902-914. 2012
o Snow and Runoff: Processes, Sensitivity and Vulnerability. 105-125. 2011
o Linking Runoff to Groundwater in Permafrost Terrain. 119-129. 2011
o Synopsis of Hydrologic Research under MAGS. 451-457. 2008
o Flow Connectivity of a Lake-Stream System in a Semi-arid Precambrian Shield Environment. 221-233. 2008
o Hydrology of the Northwestern Subarctic Canadian Shield. 235-256. 2008
o Lessons from Macroscale Hydrologic Modeling: Experience with the Hydrologic Model SLURP in the Mackenzie Basin. 397-410. 2008
o MAGS Contribution to Hydrologic and Surface Process Research. 9-38. 2008
o Modeling Maximum Active Layer Thaw in Boreal and Tundra Environments using Limited Data. 125-137. 2008
o Synopsis of Atmospheric Research under MAGS. 1-7. 2008
o Synopsis of Mackenzie GEWEX Studies on the Atmospheric-Hydrologic System of a Cold Region. 475-496. 2008
o The Mackenzie GEWEX Study: A Contribution to Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Sciences. 1-22. 2008
o Permafrost Hydrology 2005
o Snowmelt Runoff Generation 2005
o The Arctic Islands. 172-197. 1998
o A Method to Assess the Effects of Climatic Warming on the Water Balance of Mountainous Regions. GeoJournal Library. 301-315. 1996
o Hydrology of Northern North America under Global Warming. GeoJournal Library. 73-86. 1996
o Northern Hydrology. 93-116. 1993
o Arctic Hydrology and Climate Change. 35-57. 1992
o Hydrology of lakes and wetlands. 159-187. 1990
o Chapter 6. Hydrology of Beverly Swamp. 85-94. 1987
o Arctic Lowlands. 583-628. 1987
1. Woo, M.K. 1972. A numerical simulation model of snow storage in small coastal basins in southwestern British Columbia. Proceedings International Symposia on the Role of Snow and Ice in Hydrology, Banff. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication 107, 992-1003.
2. Woo, M.K. 1973. Modelling daily temperature time series. Canadian Geographer 17, 315-326.
3. Woo, M.K. and Slaymaker, H.O.1975. Alpine streamflow response to variable snowpack thickness and extent. Geografiska Annaler 57A, 201-211.
4. Woo, M.K. 1976. Evaporation and water level in the active layer. Arctic and Alpine Research 8, 213-217.
5. Woo, M.K. 1976. Hydrology of a small Canadian High Arctic basin during the snowmelt period. Catena 3, 155-168.
6. Marsh, P. and Woo, M.K. 1977. The water balance of a small pond in the High arctic. Arctic 30, 109-117.
7. Woo, M.K. and Marsh, P. 1977. Effect of vegetation on limestone solution in a small High Arctic basin. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 14, 571-581.
8. Woo, M.K. and Marsh, P. 1978. Analysis of error in the determination of snow storage for small High Arctic basins. Journal of Applied Meteorology 17, 1537-1541.
9. Woo, M.K. and Steer, P. 1979. Measurement of trace rainfall at a High Arctic site. Arctic 32, 80-84.
10. Woo, M.K. 1979. Effects of power line construction upon the carbonate water chemistry of part of a mid-latitude swamp. Catena 6, 219-233.
11. Woo, M.K. 1979. Impact of power line construction upon the hydrology of part of a mid-latitude swamp. Catena 6, 23-42.
12. Woo, M.K. and Sauriol, J. 1980. Channel development in snow-filled valleys, Resolute, N.W.T., Canada. Geografiska Annaler 62A, 37-56.
13. Woo, M.K. 1980. Hydrology of a small lake in the Canadian High Arctic. Arctic and Alpine Research 12, 227-235.
14. Marsh, P., Rouse, W.R. and Woo, M.K. 1981. Evaporation at a High Arctic site. Journal of Applied Meteorology 20, 713-716.
15. Marsh, P. and Woo, M.K. 1981. Snowmelt, glacier melt and High Arctic streamflow regimes. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 18, 1380-1384.
16. Woo, M.K. and Valverde, J. 1981. Summer streamflow and water level in a mid-latitude swamp. Forest Science 27, 177-189.
17. Woo, M.K. and Heron, R. 1981. Occurrence of ice layers at the base of High Arctic snowpacks. Arctic and Alpine Research 13, 225-230.
18. Waylen, P. and Woo, M.K. 1981. Regionalization and prediction of annual floods in the Fraser River catchment, B.C. Water Resources Bulletin 17, 655-661.
19. Woo, M.K., Heron, R. and Steer, P. 1981. Catchment hydrology of a High Arctic lake. Cold Regions Science and Technology 5, 29-41.
20. Woo, M.K. and Sauriol, J. 1981. Effects of snow jams on fluvial activities in the High Arctic. Physical Geography 2, 83-98.
21. Woo, M.K. 1982. Upward flux of vapour from frozen materials in the High Arctic. Cold Regions Science and Technology 5, 269-274.
22. Waylen, P. and Woo, M.K. 1982. Prediction of annual floods generated by mixed processes. Water Resources Research 18, 1283-1286. Also reprinted in United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Water Resources Journal, June 1983, 88-91.
23. Woo, M.K., Heron, R. and Marsh, P. 1982. Basal ice in high arctic snowpacks. Arctic and Alpine Research 14, 251-260.
24. Waylen, P. and Woo, M.K. 1982. Prediction of mean annual flows in the Fraser River catchment, B.C. Water Resources Bulletin 18, 707-711.
25. Woo, M.K. and Steer, P. 1982. Occurrence of surface flow in Arctic slopes, southwestern Cornwallis Island. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 19, 2368-2377.
26. Waylen, P.R. and Woo, M.K. 1983. Stochastic analysis of high flows in some central British Columbian rivers. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 10, 205-213.
27. Waylen, P. and Woo, M.K. 1983. Annual floods in southwestern British Columbia. Journal of Hydrology 62, 95-105.
28. Woo, M.K. and Steer, P. 1983. Slope hydrology as influenced by thawing of the active layer, Resolute, N.W.T. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 20, 978-986.
29. Woo, M.K., Marsh, P. and Steer, P. 1983. Basin water balance in a continuous permafrost environment. Proceedings Fourth International Permafrost Conference Fairbanks, Alaska, 1407-1411.
30. Steer, P. and Woo, M.K. 1983. Measurement of slope runoff in permafrost region. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 20, 361-365.
31. Woo, M.K., Heron, R., Marsh, P. and Steer, P. 1983. Comparison of weather station snowfall with winter snow accumulation in High Arctic basins. Atmosphere-Ocean 21, 312-325.
32. Waylen, P. and Woo, M.K. 1983. Stochastic analysis of high flows generated by mixed processes. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 10, 639-648.
33. Woo, M.K. 1983. Hydrology of a drainage basin in the Canadian High Arctic. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 73, 577-596.
34. Woo, M.K. and Waylen, P. 1984. Areal prediction of annual floods generated by two distinct processes. Hydrological Sciences Journal 29, 75-88.
35. Dubreuil, M-A. and Woo, M.K. 1984. Problems of determining snow albedo for the High Arctic. Atmosphere-Ocean 22, 379-386.
36. Marsh, P. and Woo, M.K. 1984. Wetting front advance and freezing of meltwater within a snow cover. 1. Observations in the Canadian Arctic. Water Resources Research 16, 1853-1864.
37. Marsh, P. and Woo, M.K. 1984. Wetting front advance and freezing of meltwater within a snow cover. 2. A simulation model. Water Resources Research 16, 1865-1874.
38. Waylen, P. and Woo, M.K. 1984. Regionalization and prediction of floods in the Fraser River catchment, B.C. Water Resources Bulletin 20, 941-949.
39. Woo, M.K. and Dubreil, M-A. 1985. Empirical relationship between dust content and Arctic snow albedo. Cold Regions Science and Technology 10, 125-132.
40. Woo, M.K. 1985. Hydrology of snow and ice (Guest editor). Canadian Geographer 29, 173-183.
41. Woo, M.K. and Waylen, P. 1985. Macro-scale estimation of evaporation from regional water balance. Hydrological Sciences Journal 30, 383-394.
42. Marsh, P. and Woo, M.K. 1985. Meltwater movement in natural heterogeneous snow covers. Water Resources Research 21, 1710-1716.
43. Woo, M.K. and Waylen, P. 1986. Probability studies of floods. Applied Geography 6, 185-195.
44. Woo, M.K. and Steer, P. 1986. Monte Carlo simulation of snow depth in a forest. Water Resources Research 22, 864-868.
45. Woo, M.K. and Steer, P., 1986. Runoff regimes of slopes in continuous permafrost areas. Canadian Water Resources Journal 11, 58-68.
46. Smith, S. and Woo, M.K. 1986. Ground and water temperatures in a mid-latitude swamp. Canadian Water Resources Journal 11, 76-88.
47. Roulet, N.T., and Woo, M.K. 1986. Low arctic wetland hydrology. Canadian Water Resources Journal 11, 69-75.
48. Roulet, N.T. and Woo, M.K. 1986. Hydrology of a wetland in the continuous permafrost region. Journal of Hydrology 89, 73-91.
49. Roulet, N.T. and Woo, M.K. 1986. Wetland and lake evaporation in the Low Arctic. Arctic and Alpine Research 18, 195-200.
50. Woo, M.K. 1986. Permafrost hydrology in North America. Atmosphere-Ocean 24, 201-234.
51. Woo, M.K. and Heron, R. 1987. Breakup of small rivers in the subarctic. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 24, 784-795.
52. Waylen, P. and Woo, M.K. 1987. Annual low flows generated by mixed processes. Hydrological Sciences Journal 32, 371-383.
53. Carter, L.D., Heginbottom, J.A. and Woo, M.K. 1987. Arctic Lowlands. In Graf, W.L. (Ed.) Geomorphic Systems of North America, Geological Society of America, Centennial Special Volume 2, 583-628.
54. Woo, M.K. and Heron, R. 1987. Effects of forests on wetland runoff during spring. Proceedings of the Vancouver Symposium. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication 167, 297-307.
55. Price, J.S. and Woo, M.K. 1988. Origin of salt in coastal marshes of Hudson and James bays. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 25, 145-147.
56. Woo, M.K. and diCenzo, P.D. 1988. Pipeflow in James Bay coastal wetlands. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 25, 625-629.
57. Roulet, N.T. and Woo, M.K. 1988. Runoff generation in a Low Arctic drainage basin. Journal of Hydrology 101, 213-226.
58. Woo, M.K. 1988. Wetland runoff regime in northern Canada. Proceedings Fifth International Permafrost Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 644-649.
59. Yang, Z.N. and Woo, M.K. 1988. Streamflow characteristics of the Qinghai (northern Tibetan) Plateau. Proceedings Fifth International Permafrost Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 650-655.
60. Price, J.S. and Woo, M.K. 1988. Studies of subarctic coastal marsh: I. Hydrology. Journal of Hydrology 103, 275-292.
61. Price, J.S. and Woo, M.K. 1988. Studies of subarctic coastal marsh: II. Salinity. Journal of Hydrology 103, 293-307.
62. Price, J.S., Ewing, K., Woo, M.K. and Kershaw, K.A. 1988. Water movement, salinity, and vegetation patterns in a coastal wetland, southern James Bay. Canadian Journal of Botany 66, 2586-2594.
63. Woo, M.K. and Waylen, P.R. 1988. Effects of interbasin transfers on the regimes of three northwestern Ontario rivers. Canadian Geographer 32, 319-327.
64. Price, J.S., Woo, M.K. and Maxwell, B. 1989. Salinity of marshes along the James Bay coast, Ontario, Canada. Physical Geography 10, 1-12.
65. Woo, M.K. and diCenzo, P.D. 1989. Hydrology of small tributary stream in a subarctic wetland. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 26, 1557-1566.
66. Woo, M.K. and Wu, K. 1989. Fitting annual floods with zero-flows. Canadian Water Resources Journal 14, 10-16.
67. Wu, K. and Woo, M.K. 1989. Estimating annual flood probabilities using Fourier series method. Water Resources Bulletin 25, 743-750.
68. Winter, T.C. and Woo, M.K. 1990. Hydrology of lakes and wetlands. In Wolman, M.G. and Riggs, H.C. (Eds.) Surface Water Hydrology. Geological Society of America, V. 0-1, 159-187.
69. Woo, M.K. 1990. Consequences of climatic change for hydrology in permafrost zones. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, ASCE 4, 15-20.
70. Woo, M.K. and Waddington, J.M. 1990. Effects of beaver dams on subarctic wetland hydrology. Arctic 43, 223-230.
71. Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 1990. Thermal and hydrological effects of slope disturbances in a continuous permafrost environment. Proceedings 5th Canadian Permafrost Conference, Quebec 175-180.
72. Woo, M.K. and Luk, S.H. 1990. Vegetation effects on soil and water losses on weathered granitic hillslopes, South China. Physical Geography 11, 1-16.
73. Sioh, M., Woo, M.K. and Lam, K.C. 1990. Soil nutrients in eroded granitic areas of south China. Physical Geography 11, 260-276.
74. Price, J.S. and Woo, M.K. 1990. Studies of a subarctic coastal marsh III. Modelling the subsurface water fluxes and chloride distribution. Journal of Hydrology 120, 1-13.
75. Woo, M.K. and Marsh, P. 1990. Response of soil moisture change to hydrological processes in a continuous permafrost environment. Nordic Hydrology 21, 235-252.
76. Edlund, S.A., Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 1990. Climate, hydrology and vegetation patterns, Hot Weather Creek, Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada. Nordic Hydrology 21, 273-286.
77. Xia, Z.J. and Woo, M.K. 1992. Theoretical analysis of snow dam decay. Journal of Glaciology 38, 191-199.
78. Woo, M.K. 1992. Assessing the regional impacts of global warming (Guest editor). Canadian Geographer 36, 66-80.
79. Woo, M.K. 1992. Application of stochastic simulation to climatic-change studies. Climatic Change 20, 313-330.
80. Rouse, W.R., Woo, M.K. and Price, J.S. 1992. Damming James Bay: I. Potential impacts on coastal climate and their water balance. Canadian Geographer 36, 2-7.
81. Price, J.S., Woo, M.K. and Rouse, W.R. 1992. Damming James Bay: II. Impacts on coastal marshes. Canadian Geographer 36, 8-13.
82. Woo, M.K. 1992. Impacts of climate variability and change on Canadian wetlands. Canadian Water Resources Journal 17, 63-69.
83. Woo, M.K. and Fitzharris, B.B. 1992. Reconstruction of mass balance variations for Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand, 1913-1989. Arctic and Alpine Research 24, 281-290.
84. Woo, M.K. Lewkowicz, A.G. and Rouse, W.R. 1992. Response of the Canadian permafrost environment to climatic change. Physical Geography 13, 287-317.
85. Woo, M.K. and Winter, T.C. 1993. The role of permafrost and seasonal frost in the hydrology of northern wetlands. Journal of Hydrology 141, 5-31.
86. Marsh, P. and Woo, M.K. 1993. Infiltration of meltwater into frozen soils in a continuous permafrost environment. Proceedings 6th International Conference on Permafrost, Beijing, China, 443-448.
87. Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 1993. Effects of terrain disturbance on Arctic slope hydrology. Proceedings 6th International Conference on Permafrost, Beijing, China, 712-717.
88. Xia, Z.J. and Woo, M.K. 1993. Active layer thaw calculations using simplified thermal and hydrological parameters. Proceedings 6th International Conference on Permafrost, Beijing, China, 725-729.
89. Yang, D.Q., Woo, M.K., Liu, F.J. and Yang, Z.N. 1993. The role of snow in streamflow generation from an alpine permafrost basin in Tianshan, northwestern China. Proceedings 6th International Conference on Permafrost, Beijing, China, 738-743.
90. Nelson, F.E., Lachenbruch, A.H., Woo, M.K., Koster, E.A., Osterkamp, T.E., Garilova, M.K. and Cheng, G.D. 1993. Permafrost and changing climate. Proceedings 6th International Conference on Permafrost, vol. 2, Beijing, China, 987-1005.
91. Woo, M.K. and Rowsell, R.D. 1993. Hydrology of a prairie slough. Journal of Hydrology 146, 175-207.
92. Lonergan, S., DiFrancesco, R. and Woo, M.K. 1993. Climate change and transportation in northern Canada: an integrated impact assessment. Climatic Change 24, 331-351.
93. Heron, R. and Woo, M.K. 1994. Decay of a High Arctic lake ice cover: observations and modelling. Journal of Glaciology 40, 283-292.
94. Woo, M.K. and Tarhule, A.1994. Streamflow droughts of northern Nigerian rivers. Hydrological Sciences Journal 39, 19-34.
95. Woo, M.K. and Liu, C.M. 1994. Mountain Hydrology of Canada and China: a case study in comparative hydrology. Hydrological Processes 8, 573-587.
96. Woo, M.K., Yang, Z.N., Xia, Z.J. and Yang, D.Q. 1994. Streamflow processes in an alpine permafrost catchment, Tianshan, China. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 5, 71-85.
97. Woo, M.K. and McCann, S.B. 1994. Climatic variability, climatic change, runoff and suspended sediment regimes in Northern Canada. Physical Geography 15, 201-226.
98. Young, K.L., Woo, M.K. and Munro, D.S. 1995. Simple approaches to modelling solar radiation in the Arctic. Solar Energy 54, 33-40.
99. Reedyk, S., Woo, M.K. and Prowse, T.D. 1995. Contribution of icing ablation to streamflow in a discontinuous permafrost area. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 32, 13-20.
100. Woo, M.K. and Xia, Z.J. 1995. Suprapermafrost groundwater seepage in gravelly terrain, Resolute, N.W.T., Canada. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 6, 57-72.
101. Woo, M.K. and Xia, Z.J. 1996. Effects of hydrology on the thermal conditions of the active layer. Nordic Hydrology 27, 129-142.
102. Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 1996. Summer solar radiation in the Canadian High Arctic. Arctic 49, 170-180.
103. Tarhule, A. and Woo, M.K. 1997. Characteristics and use of shallow wells in a stream fadema. Applied Geography 17, 29-42.
104. Luk, S.H. and Woo, M.K. 1997. Soil Erosion in South China. Catena 29 (Guest editors, Special Issue), 93-221.
105. Woo, M.K., Huang, L.J., Zhang, S.X. and Li, Y. 1997. Rainfall in Guangdong Province, South China. Catena 29, 115-129.
106. Woo, M.K., Fang, G.X. and diCenzo, P.D. 1997. The role of vegetation in the retardation of rill erosion. Catena 29, 145-159.
107. Glenn, M.S. and Woo, M.K. 1997. Spring and summer hydrology of a valley-bottom wetland, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Wetlands 17, 321-329.
108. Young, K.L. and Woo, M.K. 1997. Modelling net radiation in a High Arctic environment using summer field camp data. International Journal of Climatology 17, 1211-1229.
109. Tarhule, A. and Woo, M.K. 1997. Towards an interpretation of historical droughts in northern Nigeria. Climatic Change 37, 601-616.
110. Young, K.L., Woo, M.K. and Edlund, S.A. 1997. Influence of local topography, soil and vegetation on microclimate and hydrology at a High Arctic site. Arctic and Alpine Research 29, 270-284.
111. Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 1997. Hydrology of a small drainage basin with polar oasis environment. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 8, 257-277.
112. Carey, S.K. and Woo, M.K. 1998. Snowmelt hydrology of two subarctic slopes, Southern Yukon, Canada. Nordic Hydrology 29, 245-266.
113. Tarhule, A. and Woo, M.K. 1998. Changes in rainfall characteristics in northern Nigeria. International Journal of Climatology 18, 1261-1271.
114. Carey, S.K. and Woo, M.K. 1998. A case study of active layer thaw and its controlling factors. Proceedings 7th International Conference on Permafrost, Yellowknife, NWT, 127-132.
115. Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 1998. Characteristics of patchy wetlands in a polar desert environment, Arctic Canada. Proceedings 7th International Conference on Permafrost, Yellowknife, NWT, 1141-1146.
116. Woo, M.K. 1998. Arctic snow cover information for hydrological investigations at various scales. Nordic Hydrology 29, 331-346.
117. Yang, D.Q. and Woo, M.K. 1999. Representativeness of local snow data for large scale hydrologic investigations. Hydrological Processes 13, 1977-1988.
118. Woo, M.K., Yang, D.Q. and Young, K.L. 1999. Representativeness of arctic weather station data for the computation of snowmelt in a small area. Hydrological Processes 13, 1859-1870.
119. Carey, S.K. and Woo, M.K. 1999. Hydrology of two slopes in subarctic Yukon, Canada. Hydrological Processes 13, 2549-2562.
120. Buttle, J., Jones, G., Marsh, P. and Woo, M.K. (Guest Editors) 2000. Special Issue: CGU - Hydrology Section Report on Canadian Advances, 1994-1999. Hydrological Processes 14, 1537-1706.
121. Woo, M.K., Marsh, P. and Pomeroy, J.W. 2000. Snow, frozen soils and permafrost hydrology. Hydrological Processes 14, 1591-1611.
122. Saunderson, H.C., Smith, D.J. and Woo, M.K. 2000. Progress in Canadian geomorphology and hydrology 1996-2000. Canadian Geographer 44, 67-86.
123. Young, K.L. and Woo, M.K. 2000. Hydrologic environment of Hot Weather Creek basin, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 529, 347-360.
124. Woo, M.K. and Giesbrecht, M. 2000. Simulation of snowmelt in a subarctic spruce woodland: 1. tree model. Water Resources Research 36, 2275-2285.
125. Giesbrecht, M. and Woo, M.K. 2000. Simulation of snowmelt in a subarctic spruce woodland: 2. open woodland model. Water Resources Research 36, 2287-2295.
126. Carey, S.K. and Woo, M.K. 2000. The role of soil pipes as a slope runoff mechanism, subarctic Yukon, Canada. Journal of Hydrology 233, 206-222.
127. McCann, S.B. and Woo, M.K. (Guest Editors) 2000. Special Issue on Physical Geography at McMaster University, 1967 to 1997. Physical Geography 21, 281-484.
128. Carey, S.K. and Woo, M.K. 2000. Within slope variability of ground heat flux, subarctic Yukon. Physical Geography 21,407-417.
129. Woo, M.K. 2000. McMaster River and arctic hydrology. Physical Geography 21, 466-484.
130. Woo, M.K. and Giesbrecht, M.A. 2000. Simulation of snowmelt in a subarctic spruce woodland: scale considerations. Nordic Hydrology 31,301-316.
131. Young, K.L. and Woo, M.K. 2000. Hydrological response of a patchy high arctic wetland. Nordic Hydrology 31, 317-338.
132. Woo, M.K. 2001. Water in Canada, water for Canada. Canadian Geographer 45, 85-92.
133. Carey, S.K. and Woo, M.K. 2001. Variability of hillslope water balance, Wolf Creek Basin, subarctic Yukon. Hydrological Processes 15, 3113-3132.
134. Carey, S.K. and Woo, M.K. 2001. Slope runoff processes and flow generation in a subarctic, subalpine catchment. Journal of Hydrology 253. 110-129.
135. Woo, M.K., Marsh, P. and Moore, R.D. (Guest Editors) 2001. Special Issue, Canadian Geophysical Union Hydrology Section 2000 Meeting. Hydrological Processes 15, 3093-3194.
136. Hardy, J.P., Pomeroy, J.W., Moore, R.D. and Woo, M.K. (Guest Editors) 2001. Special Issue, Eastern Snow Conference / CGU-Hydrology Section 2001 Meeting. Hydrological Processes 15, 3327-3602.
137. Jones, J.A.A. and Woo, M.K. (Guest Editors) 2002. Special Issue: Modellig the impact of climate change on hydrological regimes. Hydrological Processes 16, 1135-1317.
138. Spence, C. and Woo, M.K. 2002. Hydrology of subarctic Canadian Shield: bedrock upland. Journal of Hydrology 262, 111-127.
139. Vandenberghe, J. and Woo, M.K. 2002. Modern and ancient periglacial river types. Progress in Physical Geography 26, 479-506.
140. Leenders, E.E. and Woo, M.K. 2002. Modeling a two-layer flow system at the subarctic, subalpine treeline during snowmelt. Water Resources Research 38(10), 1202, doi:10.1029/2001WR000375.
141. Carey, S.K. and Woo, M.K. 2002. Hydro-geomorphic relations among soil pipes, preferential flow pathways and small soil detachments within a subarctic, permafrost-underlain hillslope. Physical Geography 23, 95-114.
142. Woo, M.K. and Jones, J.A.A. (Guest Editors) 2002. Special Issue: Coping with Hydrological Extremes. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 7, 211-320.
143. Tarhule, A. and Woo, M.K. 2002. Adaptations to the dynamics of rural water supply from natural sources: a village example in semi-arid Nigeria. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 7, 215-237.
144. van der Linden, S. and Woo, M.K. 2003. Application of hydrological models with increasing complexity to subarctic catchments. Journal of Hydrology 270, 145-157.
145. van der Linden, S. and Woo, M.K. 2003. Transferability of hydrological model parameters between basins in data-sparse areas, subarctic Canada. Journal of Hydrology 270, 182-194.
146. Moore, R.D., Beltaos, S., Ouarda, T. and Woo, M.K. (Guest Editors) 2003. Special Issue, Canadian Geophysical Union Hydrology Section 2002 Meeting. Hydrological Processes 17, 3545.
147. Young, K.L. and Woo, M.K. 2003. Thermo-hydrological responses to an exceptionally warm, dry summer in a High Arctic environment. Nordic Hydrology 34, 51-70.
148. Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 2003. Hydrogeomorphology of patchy wetlands in the High Arctic, polar desert environment. Wetlands 23, 291-309.
149. Young, K.L. and Woo, M.K. 2003. Frost table development beneath patchy wetlands in a continuous permafrost, High Arctic setting. Proceedings, Eighth International Conference on Permafrost, Zurich, Switzerland, 1265-1270.
150. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2003. Streamflow in the Mackenzie Basin, Canada. Arctic 56, 328-340.
151. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2003. Comments on Detection of hydrologic trends and variability by Burn, D.H. and Hag Elnur, M.A., 2002. Journal of Hydrology 255, 107-122. Journal of Hydrology 277,150-160.
152. Spence, C. and Woo, M.K. 2003. Hydrology of subarctic Canadian Shield: soil-filled valleys. Journal of Hydrology 279, 151-166.
153. Rouse, W.R., Blyth, E.M., Crawford, R.W., Gyakum, J.R., Janowicz, J.R., Kochtubajda, B., Leighton, H.G., Marsh, P., Martz, L., Pietroniro, A., Ritchie, H., Schertzer, W.M., Soulis, E.D., Stewart, R.E., Strong, G.S. and Woo, M.K. 2003. Energy and water cycles in a high-latitude, north-flowing river system. Bulletin, American Meteorological Society 84, 73-87.
155. Woo, M.K., Arain, A., Mollinga, M. and Yi, S. 2004. A two-directional freeze and thaw algorithm for hydrologic and land surface modelling. Geophysical Research Letters 31, L12501, doi:10.1029/2004GL019475.
156. Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 2004. Modeling arctic snow distribution and melt at the 1 km grid scale. Nordic Hydrology 35, 295-307.
157. Young, K.L. and Woo, M.K. 2004. Queen Elizabeth Islands: problems associated with water balance research, northern research basins water balance. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication 290, 237-248.
158. Young, K.L. and Woo, M.K. 2004. Queen Elizabeth Islands: water balance investigations. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication 290, 152-163.
159. Woo, M.K. 2004. Boundary and border considerations in hydrology. Hydrological Processes 18, 1185-1194.
160. Woo, M.K. and Marsh, P. 2005. Snow, frozen soils and permafrost hydrology in Canada, 1999-2002. Hydrological Processes 19, 215-229.
161. Carey, S. and Woo, M.K. 2005. Freezing of subarctic hillslopes, Wolf Creek Basin, Yukon, Canada. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 37, 1-20.
162. Spence, C. and Woo, M.K. 2006. Hydrology of subarctic Canadian Shield: heterogeneous headwater basins. Journal of Hydrology 317, 138-154.
163. Mielko, C. and Woo, M.K. 2006. Snowmelt runoff processes in a headwater lake and its catchment, subarctic Canadian Shield. Hydrological Processes 20, 987-1000.
164. Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 2006. High Arctic wetlands: their occurrence, hydrological characteristics, and sustainability. Journal of Hydrology 320, 432-450.
165. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2006. Snowmelt contribution to discharge from a large mountainous catchment in subarctic Canada. Hydrological Processes 20, 2129-2139.
166. Thorne, R. and Woo, M.K. 2006. Efficacy of a hydrologic model in simulating discharge from a large mountainous basin. Journal of Hydrology 330, 301-312.
167. Yi, S., Arain, A. and Woo, M.K. 2006. Modifications of a land surface scheme for improved simulation of ground freeze-thaw in northern environments. Geophysical Research Letters 33, L13501, doi:10.1029/2006GL026340.
168. Woo, M.K., Young, K.L. and Brown, L. 2006. High Arctic patchy wetlands: hydrologic variability and their sustainability. Physical Geography 27, 297-307.
169. Atkinson, D.E., Brown, R., Alt, B., Agnew, T., Bourgeois, J., Burgess, M., Duguay, C., Henry, G., Jeffers, S., Koerner, R., Lewkowicz, A.G., McCourt, S., Melling, H., Sharp, M., Smith, S., Walker, A., Wilson, K., Wolfe, S., Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 2006. Canadian cryospheric response to an anomalous warm summer: a synthesis of the Climate Change Action Fund Project “The State of the Arctic Cryosphere during the Extreme Warm Summer of 1998”. Atmosphere-Ocean 44, 347-375.
170. Woo, M.K. and Guan, X.J. 2006. Hydrological connectivity and seasonal storage change of tundra ponds in a polar oasis environment, Canadian High Arctic. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 17, 309-323.
171. Woo, M.K., Thorne, R. and Szeto, K.K. 2006. Reinterpretation of streamflow trends based on shifts in large-scale atmospheric circulation. Hydrological Processes 20, 3995-4003.
172. Van der Walt, I.J., Jones, J.A.A. and Woo, M.K. (Guest Editors) 2006. Water sustainability. Physical Geography 27, 283-285.
173. Woo, M.K., Modeste, P., Martz, L., Blondin, J., Kochtubajda, B., Tutcho, D., Gyakum, J., Takazo, A., Spence, C., Tutcho, J., di Cenzo, P., Kenny, G., Stone, J., Neyelle, I., Baptiste, G., Modeste, M., Kenny, B. and Modeste, W. 2007. Science meets traditional knowledge: water and climate in the Sahtu (Great Bear Lake) Region, Northwest Territories, Canada. Arctic 60, 37-46.
174. Woo, M.K., Mollinga, M. and Smith, S.L. 2006. Simulating active layer thaw in a boreal environment. Geographie physique et Quaternaire 60, 9-17.
175. Woo, M.K., Mollinga, M. and Smith, S.L. 2007. Climate warming and active layer thaw in the boreal and tundra environments of the Mackenzie Valley. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 44, 737-743.
176. Woo, M.K. and Mielko C. 2007. An integrated framework for lake-stream connectivity for a semi-arid, subarctic environment. Hydrological Processes 21, 2668-2674.
177. Yi, S., Woo, M.K. and Arain, A. 2007. Impacts of peat and vegetation on permafrost degradation under climate warming. Geophysical Research Letters 34, L16504, doi:10.1029/2007GL030550.
178. Woo, M.K., Thorne, R., Szeto, K.K. and Yang, D. 2008. Streamflow hydrology in the boreal region under the influences of climate and human interference. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 363, 2251-2260. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2007.2197.
179. Woo, M.K., Kane, D.L., Carey, S.K. and Yang, D. 2008. Progress in permafrost hydrology in the new millennium. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 19, 237-254.
180. Brown, L., Thorne, R. and Woo, M.K. 2008. Using satellite imagery to validate snow distribution simulated by a hydrological model in large northern basins. Hydrological Processes 22, 2777-2787.
181. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2008. Analysis of cold season streamflow response to variability of climate in north-western North America. Hydrology Research 39, 257-265.
182. Woo, M.K., Thompson, D.K., Guan, X.J. and Young, K.L. 2008. Hydrology, hydrochemistry, and vegetation of a High Arctic wetland complex. Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1951-1956.
183. Long, T., Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2008. Monthly streamflow simulation for Upper Changjiang Basin above the Three Gorges, China. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Publication 319, 93-100.
184. Woo, M.K., Long, T.Y. and Thorne, R. 2009. Simulating monthly streamflow for Upper Changjiang, China, under climatic change scenarios. Hydrological Sciences Journal 54, 596-609.
185. Thompson, D.K. and Woo, M.K. 2009. Seasonal hydrochemistry of a High Arctic wetland complex. Hydrological Processes 23, 1397-1407.
186. Woo, M.K. 2010. Cold ocean seas and northern hydrology: an exploratory overview. Hydrology Research 41, 439-453.
187. Thorne R. and Woo, M.K. 2011. Streamflow response to climate variability in a complex mountainous environment: Fraser River Basin, British Columbia. Hydrological Processes 25, 3076-3085.
188. Woo, M.K. 2012. Application of the fill-and-spill concept in permafrost hydrology. Proceedings Tenth International Conference on Permafrost, Salekhard, Yamal-Netnets Autonomous District, Russia, v. 1, 449-454.
189. Hinzman, L.D., Destouni, G., Woo, M.K. (Guest Editors) 2013. Preface: Hydrogeology of cold regions. Hydrogeology Journal 21, 1-4.
190. Woo, M.K. and Young, K.L. 2014. Disappearing semi-permanent snow in he High Arctic and its consequences. Journal of Glaciology 60, 192-200.
191. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2014. Winter flows in the Mackenzie drainage system. Arctic 67, 238-256.
192. Bring, A., Fedorova, I., Dibike, Y., Hinzman, L., Mård, J., Mernild, S.H., Prowse, T., Semenova, O., Stuefer, S.L., Woo, M.K. 2016. Arctic terrestrial hydrology: A synthesis of processes, regional effects, and research challenges. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121, 62-649, doi:10.1002/1015JG003131.
193. Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2016. Summer low flow evens in the Mackenzie River system. Arctic 69, 286-304.
194. Woo, M.K., Thorne, R. and Brown, L. 2019. Comparison of runoff and river flow in two large basins. Hydrology Research 50, 1609-1622.
195. Woo, M.K. 2019. Cryohydrology in Canada: a brief history. Hydrological Processes 33, 3407-3411.
Howarth, P.J. and Woo, M.K. 1973. A preliminary evaluation of ERTS - I imagery for the interpretation of snow cover in southern Ontario. Report to Environment Canada, 167 p.
McCann, S.B., Cogley, J.G., Woo, M.K. and Blachut, S.P. 1974. Hydrological studies, South Central Ellesmere Island. Report to Glaciology Division, Environment Canada, 153 p.
Woo, M.K. and Marsh, P. 1976. Active layer hydrology. Final report to Glaciology Division, Environment Canada, 166 p.
Woo, M.K. 1978. Impact of Ontario Hydro transmission line construction activities upon the hydrology of an area of Beverly Swamp. Report to Ontario Hydro, 210 p.
Woo, M.K. and Waylen, P. 1983. Prediction of annual floods in northern Ontario basins. McMaster University Research Programme for Technology assessment in Subarctic Ontario, Report No. 2, 24 p.
Waylen, P., Woo, M.K. and Paterson, A. 1984. Modification of stream flow regime by regulation in northern Ontario basins. McMaster University Research Programme for Technology Assessment in Subarctic Ontario, Report No. 14.
Woo, M.K. and Steer, P. 1985. Simulation of snow depth in a forest. McMaster University Research Programme for Technology Assessment in Subarctic Ontario, Report No. 19.
Heron, R., Woo, M.K. and Steer, P. 1988. Snowmelt and breakup of small rivers along the southern James Bay coast. McMaster University Research Programme for Technology Assessment in Subarctic Ontario, Report No. 29.
Lonergan, S. and Woo, M.K. 1990. Climate change and transportation in Northern Canada: an integrated impact assessment. Report to Canadian Climate Centre, Atmospheric Environment Service, 160 p.
Woo, M.K. 1999. Improving rural water use in northern Nigeria. Report to Canadian International Development Agency, 33 p.
Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2012. Low flows in the Mackenzie drainage system: winter low flows. Report to DIAND Water Resources, Yellowknife.
Woo, M.K. and Thorne, R. 2015. Summer low flow events in the Mackenzie River system.
Report to Government of the Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources.